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Does Ally Bank have an ATM?

You won't see an Ally Bank ATM, but you can use your debit card at any ATM worldwide. Use our ATM & Cash Back Locatorto find ATMs across the U.S. online or on your mobile device. What are your ATM fees?

How do you use an ATM?

To use an ATM, you typically insert your bank cards and follow the prompts to withdraw cash, which is dispensed through a slot. ATMs require you to use a plastic card—either a bank debit card or a credit card—to complete a transaction. Your identity is authenticated by a PIN before any transaction can be made.

How do ATM fees work?

Fees are commonly charged for cash withdrawals by the bank where the account is located, by the operator of the ATM, or by both. Some or all of these fees can be avoided by using an ATM operated directly by the bank network that holds the account.

What is an automated teller machine (ATM)?

An automated teller machine (ATM) is an electronic banking outlet that allows customers to complete basic transactions without the aid of a branch representative or teller. Anyone with a credit card or debit card can access cash at most ATMs, either in the U.S. or other countries.

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